Lue Sudiyono


Globalization Era always in sight, one implementation of the Summit in Kuala Lumpur in 1997 which resulted in the Asean Economic Community (AEC) is a form of economic integration with the concept of the economic system of free trade between countries and announce an agreement to transform ASEAN into a region that is stable, prosperous and highly competitive with equitable economic development, reduce poverty and socio-economic disparities. In order to face the AEC, Multicultural education is a means of making a choice on the perspective of pluralism, democracy, as the value of a positif world view of the attitudes and behavior of theoretically and practically, so that in the educational curriculum no longer make the values and traditions of the culture dominate the practice of school learning, but learning is expected to create a creative man, cultured, efficient and optimal competitiveness. State responded by various policies, especially the development of human resources, infrastructure, form a professional association of educators to act as a driving force of education, implementation of the system of multicultural learning strategy; The first study is directed not only on the cognitive elements but elements of affective and psychomotor implemented jointly, second, Emphasis on critical thinking skills that are innovative, three emphasis on contextual learning to shape values and attitudes, then the three strategies are implemented convessionalsm approach, perspective and constukctivism deconvessionalsm.


Multicultural Education Strategy, AEC

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