Anik Lestariningrum, Dema Yulianto


Early childhood learning is held by using playing, because playing the appropriate strategy in developing all children ability in pre-operational period. Various types of game activities are applied by teacher in the learning process, but in line with the development of the digital era there is a game that is not increasingly unknown by children even though they can find around them. This is called by kind of traditional games. The traditional game is expected to reemerge as an alternative in creative learning strategies that can be selected in early childhood learning. The concept of multicultural education that provides the opportunities for children to develop a sense of self. By learning about and proud of the uniqueness of their cultural heritage, the children will be helped to establish the concept of themselves so that they can adapt to the environment development that constantly changing as the development of science and technology. Traditional games and the concept of multicultural education can be packed by an educator that is a learning strategy that can be applied in early childhood to stimulate the development of all aspects of the development of owned children. Creative learning strategy that emerged from the traditional game and multicultural concept can be more meaningful for children.


creative learning; traditional games; multicultural; early childhood

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