Beny Dwi Pratama


Culture is creativity, taste and human initiative in meeting their needs complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morality, common law and any skills, and habits. Cultural diversity is an asset and the wealth of Indonesia deserves to be preserved. Cultural diversity, it is also requires an understanding of its own for other people coming from outside that culture. Cultural differences make also the understanding and its own way of communicating, including the provision of guidance and counseling services. Counselling is a process to help individuals overcome barriers perkembangn himself, and to achieve optimal development of its personal abilities, the process can happen every waktu.Konseling tersebuat covers and the individual's relationship to express the needs, motivations and potentials unique from individual to appreciate all three. Cross-cultural counseling involves counselors and clients who come from different cultural backgrounds, and therefore the counseling process is very prone to the occurrence of cultural biases on the part of the counselor that resulted counseling is not effective. To be effective, the counselor is required to have cultural sensitivity and escape from cultural biases, understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, and have skills that are culturally responsive. Thus, counseling is seen as an "encounter culture" (cultural encounter) between counselor and client. In a cross-cultural counseling involved the relationship between the counselor and counselee However relations that occur in counseling is the relations in the humanitarian situation, which means that both counselor and client is a human being with its own characteristics, the characteristics of his personality and the characteristics of the values, morals and culture that brought each respectively. Thus the counseling relationship is not simple. The counselor must have awareness of differences in characteristics (personal, values, morals, culture) between himself and his client, and appreciate the uniqueness of its clients. These differences, however, will affect the counseling process. This is where the vision of cross-cultural counseling, the counseling mangakomodasi their cultural differences between counselor and client. Insightful cross-cultural counseling is effective for eliminating the possibility of the emergence of behavioral counselor who uses his own culture (counselor encaptulation) as a reference in the counseling process.


Counseling and Cross-Cultural

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