Inductive Thinking: Learning Mathematics Constructtivistic for Elementary School Students

Hendra Erik Rudyanto


The learning paradigm used as a math learning for many years is a teaching paradigm that influenced by behavioral psychology, not the learning paradigm. It needs a paradigm shift from the teaching paradigm to the learning paradigm. In learning paradigm is not enough students just learn with teacher instruction in transferring knowledge to students, but students need to construct the mathematical knowledge they learn. In studying mathematics students are always involved with mathematical reasoning. One of the characteristics of mathematics is deductive thinking. In this mathematics learning deductive mindset is one of the objectives of a formal nature, the goal that emphasizes the arrangement of students' reasoning and personal formation. Although the deductive mindset is very important, but in learning mathematics, especially in elementary school is still indispensable use of inductive mindset.


constructivism; Mathematic learning in elementary school; inductive thinking

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