Love house: Home for psychological assistance and entrepreneurship for young mothers in the village of Kedewan Bojonegoro

Eka Kurnia Wati, Nita Rusmiati, Maharani Arum Sekarningtyas, Hendra Erik Rudyanto


The high number of early marriages that occur in young children shows that there is a lack of awareness of the psychological impact that results from the early marriage. Early marriage is a serious problem that must be immediately given a solution, and one of them must understand the negative effects of early marriage. The high number of early marriages that occur in young children in Kedewan Bojonegoro Village is caused by a lack of awareness of the importance of education, economic factors, and the perspective that exists in the community that women can only give birth, cook and decorate themselves. Psychological Assistance and Entrepreneurship Training in young mothers is an alternative as an effort to increase the knowledge, skills and productivity of young mothers who experience early marriage. Psychological Assistance and Young Mother Entrepreneur Training in addition to improving the quality of themselves as productive young mothers. This will make young mothers who experience early marriages can develop themselves to be more innovative in entrepreneurship so they can generate their own income to help their families' economies so that young mothers can be expected to become independent.


early marriage; entrepreneurship; psychological impact; productivity and creative

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