The effect of using means ends analysis (MEA) model in learning geometry

Rirul Yoradyastuti


: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Means Ends Analysis (MEA) Model on Mathematics Learning Outcomes in fifth-grade students at Tanjung 2 Magetan Elementary School and to determine students' responses to learning using the Means Ends Analysis (MEA) model. This type of research was experimental research using a quantitative approach. The results of the study showed that the Means Ends Analysis learning model can affect student learning outcomes. There were significant differences between the experimental class and the control class. Hypothesis test results obtained t-count (4.234) abel ≥ t-table (2.056). From posttest t-count data analysis tabel ≥ t table then H1 is accepted. The result to test the hypothesis in the study after being given the treatment stated this there are influence in learning outcomes Build Space between the Means Ends Analysis learning model with a conventional learning model class V SDN Tanjung 2 Magetan.


Means Ends Analysis; Learning Outcomes; geometry

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