The effectiveness of group to group exchange with visual media in thematic learning outcomes

Angga Tri Cahya Putra


This study aims to determine whether there is the influence of the group to group exchange learning model assisted by visual media on the results of thematic learning in class IV MIN 02 Madiun. This study used an experimental method with the Quasi-Experimental design type Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this study was conducted in class IV-C as an experimental class which amounted to 36 students, and the IV-D class as a control class totaling 37 students. Sampling uses cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using test techniques, observation sheets and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of statistical data, namely the Independent Sample t-Test. From the analysis of pretest data shows that the initial ability of the experimental class and the control class is balanced. Based on the results of the posttest value data analysis, from the data performed using the t-test with a = 5%, the data obtained is t_count (3,696) ≥t_tablet (1,993). From the testing criteria, this study Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is an influence of the group to group exchange learning model assisted by visual media on the results of thematic learning in class IV MIN 02 Madiun.


effect of learning model group to group exchange; visual media; learning outcomes; thematic

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