The Implementation of Group Work and Fantasy Movie in Teaching Writing Skill at the 10th SMK2 Madiun

Moch Zhulfikri Zuhri, Sumani Sumani, Fitra Pinandhita


This research aims to analyse (1) the use of group work technique and fantasy movie to teach writing for the tenth grade students of SMK 2 Madiun. (2) the problems found in the use of group work technique and fantasy movie to teach writing for the tenth grade students of SMK 2 Madiun. (3) the solution of the problem given in the use of group work technique and fantasy movie to teach writing for the tenth grade students of SMK 2 Madiun. The method used in data collection is qualitative method using observations, interview, and documentation. According to Miles & Huberman (2014) analysis consists of three activities that occur simultaneously: data reduction, data display, conclusions drawing/ verification.  The subjects of this study were 10th grade X.OTKP 1 students of SMKN 2 Madiun. The results showed that (1) The Implementation of Group Work and Fantasy Movie In Teaching Writing Skill consists of three stages of activity named: pre-activities, main activities, and post-activities. (2) The problems of the using of task based learning and video to teach listening as follows: first, Students find difficult when discussing with friend. Last, Students struggled to select the right words for a given situation and had limited vocabulary master. (3) The solutions to solve the problems in the use of of task based learning and video to teach listening as follows: First the teacher guides and control the students slowly. Second is the teacher asked the students to open the dictionary during the lesson


groupwork; fantasy movie; teaching writing

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