The Effect of Guessing Game and Board Game on Students' Speaking Performance for the Seventh Grade Students

Selfia Irfa, Sumani Sumani, Vita Vendityaningtyas


One important aspect of the English Language is speaking skill. Speaking skill is the key aspect in language and the main tool of communication. Several methods in teaching speaking that have been developed by researchers can help students to overcome difficulties in speaking. This study aimed to investigate whether students who are treated by using guessing game and board game have better writing skills than the students who are treated by conventional teaching. This research used a quantitative research design. The instrument used by the researcher was a speaking test. The results showed that the students in the experimental class have better speaking score, as evidenced by the mean score of 73,55 in control class and 77,80 in experimental class. From the analysis showed that the significant value (2- tailed) is 0.000. It can be interpreted that there is a significant difference in average score between experimental group and control group. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that using guessing game and board game was effective in teaching speaking.


Speaking Performance; Guessing Game; Board Game

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