A Mythical Animal Codification in Wish Dragon (2021)

May Lita Dinda Adrio, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Lusia Kristiasih Dwi Purnomo


Dragons as a well-known mythology in China have been depicted in many films, one of which is Wish Dragon (2021). The depiction of dragons in the film is the aim of this research, namely to find out the codification or meaning of the dragons shown in the film. This study uses the theory of popular culture by Storey (2015) and cultural identity by Hall (1989). The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using documentation techniques and then analyzed using 6 steps of analyzing data by Creswell (2009). As a result, depictions of dragons in the film Wish Dragon are found in paintings, drawings, toys, carvings, main characters, traditional dances, and statues or ornaments. The depiction of a dragon on this object has its meaning based on what the creator wants to express against the background that the film wants to show. This also proves the use of dragons as a cultural identity that is still believed by Chinese people in their daily lives.


Chinese Dragon; Cultural Identity; Codification

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